What if you could navigate faster through your web browser? It appears to be possible with a few easy to remember keyboard shortcuts. Using these keyboard shortcuts you can open, close and navigate new tabs in Google Chrome faster. For the users who spend a lot of time in this application, this means a more efficient work experience.

Here is a short list of the most used keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome. By no means is this a complete list of all the keyboard shortcuts available in the popular web browser. This list contains the most used keyboard shortcuts both experienced and beginners can benefit from.

Below are the most useful keyboard shortcuts to navigate through Google Chrome.

Ctrl + N Open a new window in the browser.
Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new window in incognito mode.
Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window in the browser.
Ctrl + T Open a new tab and use it as your current tab.
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the previous closed tab.
Ctrl + W Close the current tab in the browser.
Ctrl + I Select the address bar in the current tab of the browser.
Ctrl + Tab Go to the next open tab in the web browser.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Go to the previous open tab in the browser.
Ctrl + P Print the current internet page in the browser.
Ctrl + D Make a bookmark of the current internet page.
Ctrl + F Open the find bar to search on the current internet page.
Ctrl + G Go to the next match to your find bar search task.
Ctrl + Shift + G Go to the previous match to your find bar search task.
Home Return to the top of the internet page in the current tab.
End Go to the bottom of the internet page in the current tab.
Esc Stop an internet page from loading in the current tab.
Ctrl + R Reload the current page in the current tab of the browser.
Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the current page in the current tab ignoring cached content.
Alt + Home Open the homepage in the current tab of the browser.
Alt + Right arrow Open the next page from your browsing history in the current tab.
Alt + Left arrow Open the previous page from your browsing history in the current tab.
Ctrl + H Open the history page of the browser in a new tab.
Ctrl + J Open the downloads page of the browser in a new tab.
Ctrl + Shift + Del Open the clear browser history options.

For the Mac users in our midst, you find the list of shortcuts below.

Command + NOpen a new window in the browser.
Command + Shift + N Open a new window in incognito mode.
Command + Shift + W Close the current window in the browser.
Command + T Open a new tab and use it as your current tab.
Command + Shift + T Reopen the previous closed tab.
Command + W Close the current tab in the browser.
Command + I Select the address bar in the current tab of the browser.
Command + Option + Right arrow Go to the next open tab in the web browser.
Command + Option + Left arrow Go to the previous open tab in the browser.
Command + P Print the current internet page in the browser.
Command + D Make a bookmark of the current internet page.
Command + F Open the find bar to search on the current internet page.
Command + G Go to the next match to your find bar search task.
Command + Shift + G Go to the previous match to your find bar search task.
Shift + Space Scroll up a webpage, one screen at a time.
Space Scroll down a webpage, one screen at a time .
Esc Stop an internet page from loading in the current tab.
Command + R Reload the current page in the current tab of the browser.
Command + Shift + R Reload the current page in the current tab ignoring cached content.
Command + Shift + Home Open the homepage in the current tab of the browser.
Command + Right arrow Open the next page from your browsing history in the current tab.
Command + Left arrow Open the previous page from your browsing history in the current tab.
Command + Y Open the history page of the browser in a new tab.
Command + Shift + J Open the downloads page of the browser in a new tab.
Command + Shift + Del Open the clear browser history options.

For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts and corresponding tasks, please visit the official Google Chrome website.

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5 thoughts on “The best keyboard shortcuts in Google Chrome | Tutorial

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